Monday, September 29, 2014

Cowichan River Tubing - Grand Opening 2010

(1888PressRelease) The Lake Cowichan Adventure Company, aka "The Tube Shack" announces the grand opening of it's new location in Lake Cowichan,customize bobblehead, BC at 122 Southshore Rd in the heart of downtown Lake Cowichan. The Tube Shack is fully licensed and insured and is Lake Cowichan's only All Inclusive river tubing adventure company.

For most people summer time and water just go hand in hand and no summer is complete without spending part of it enjoying water sports. Thousands of people have already experienced the fun and excitement of tubing the Cowichan River, and if you've never tried this popular water sport,custom made, there's no better time than the present.

The Lake Cowichan Adventure Company, aka "The Tube Shack" announces the grand opening of it's new location in Lake Cowichan,customized bobbleheads, BC at 122 Southshore Rd in the heart of downtown Lake Cowichan. The Tube Shack is fully licensed and insured and is Lake Cowichan's only All Inclusive river tubing adventure company.

The long hot, dry summers of the Lake Cowichan region make the crystal clear water of the Cowichan River an ideal place to spend the day. The Cowichan Valley is a glaciated valley that enjoys the warmest temperatures in Canada. The warm climate combined with all the natural water resources creates a virtual water sport paradise,..

Cowichan River tubing is an island tradition that has been a favorite summer activity for both locals and visitors from far and wide for many years,personalized bobbleheads. Every year literally thousands of people join us and let the river take them on a tour of some of the most spectacular scenery in the world.

While tubing down the Cowichan River is a favorite activity for anyone that loves water sports, it's also a popular past time for anyone that loves nature. With every bend and turn of the river, you'll be guided along an eco-tour that you will never forget.

There's a wide abundance of various species of flora and fauna that grows along the rivers edge. From beautiful wildflowers to lush foliage, there's never a shortage on plant life. And, the stunning rock formations are a sight that you'll not see anywhere else on planet earth.

The dense forests that border both sides of the river are home to numerous species of wildlife. You may catch a glimpse of a deer or elk indulging in a cool drink of water along the rivers edge. And, your heart might pound at the sight of a bear or cougar watching you from the forests cover.

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The Black Light Theater Wow Show Prague

Black light theater WOW Show Prague,customized bobbleheads

Nine black light theaters are active in Prague in these days,customize bobblehead. WOW is the biggest and most modern of them all, although it is the youngest,custom bobbleheads,Bow Wow Engaged To Erica Mena.

This exiting show presents new attractions and it is performed interactively with the audience. For example,., in one of the scenes six giant fluorescent balls descend from the ceiling and the cheering audience pushes and rolls them from side to side.

The performance is suitable for people of all ages.

Golf Lessons Are Not Just For Beginners

When the subject of golf lessons comes up,custom made, most people envision beginning golfers,,, those players who barely know the rules of the game, much less how to swing. However, even veteran players can benefit from golf instruction from a professional. No swing is ever perfect, at least not consistently. However, with proper instruction,custom bobblehead,Nike Air Max 97 Trainers Shoes At Best Prices, a better golf swing is certainly possible. In fact, most players could benefit from lessons to help improve both their swing and their stance. If you find you just can�t quite master the perfect stance to get out of that sand bunker, enrolling in a weekend golf school might be the ticket to improving your game.

The trick to finding the right school usually lies in finding a suitable location. A wonderful golf school in Florida might be out of reach for a golfer in California. Likewise, a golfer in Arizona may not want to travel as far as California or Florida to take private golf lessons. In that case, all three locations are in luck. There are some premier California golf schools, as well as Arizona golf schools and Florida golf schools, so golfers around the country should be able to find a suitably located school,customized bobbleheads, no matter where they live.

Many of these golf schools offer multiple day packages that include hotel accommodations, lessons, end of the day instructor led golf games encompassing either 9 or a full 18 holes,personalized bobblehead, as well as some meals like lunch at the club house. In fact, there are several Florida golf schools in Tampa,custom bo, Boca Raton, and St. Augustine who offer three-day packages so golfers can improve their game in a single weekend. The instructor works with each golfer to identify strengths and work on weaknesses. In fact, some schools even offer an instructor for life program.

The Instructor for Life program gives students access via phone or email to their instructors. When they feel their game slipping,custom, sometimes a simple phone call or email can help jolt their memory and return them to their improved game habits. Regardless,customize bobblehead, if you choose one of the Arizona golf schools or the California golf schools, your ticket to a better golf swing lies in the professional instructor you choose. Choose someone who will provide your golf lessons with care. Take the time to research and ask questions. While you�re not a beginning golfer, you still don�t know everything there is to know, so it pays to ask questions and be informed by a professional. Your game may depend on it.

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World of Warcraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World of Warcraft
Blizzard Entertainment, , Jason Hayes

Derek Duke
Glenn StaffordSeries, Release date(s)Mode(s)Distribution4 CDs (5 for the game of the year edition), 1 DVD,

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a (MMORPG) created in 2004 by . It is the fourth released game set in the fantasy , which was first introduced by in 1994. World of Warcraft takes place within the Warcraft world of , approximately four years after the events at the conclusion of Blizzard's previous Warcraft release, . Blizzard Entertainment announced World of Warcraft on September 2, 2001. The game was released on November 23, 2004, on the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft .

The first expansion set of the game, , was released on January 16, 2007. The second expansion set, , was released on November 13, 2008. The third expansion set, , was released on December 7, 2010. The fourth expansion set, , was released on September 25, 2012. The fifth expansion set, , was announced at BlizzCon 2013.

With almost seven million subscribers as of August 2014, World of Warcraft is currently the world's most-subscribed , and holds the for the most popular MMORPG by subscribers. Having grossed over 10 billion dollars USD as of July 2012, it is also the highest grossing video game of all time, surpassing at 1.5 billion dollars. In January 2014 it was announced that more than 100 million accounts had been created over the game's lifetime.

GameplayStarting a character or play session

As with other MMORPGs, players control a character within a game world in - or view, exploring the landscape, fighting various monsters, completing quests, and interacting with (NPCs) or other players. Also similar to other MMORPGs, World of Warcraft requires the player to pay for a subscription, either by buying game cards for a selected amount of playing time, or by using a credit or debit card to pay on a regular basis.

To enter the game, the player must select a , referred to in-game as a realm. Each realm acts as an individual copy of the game world, and falls into one of four categories. Available realms types are:

Realms are also categorized by language, with in-game support in the language available.

Players can make new characters on all realms within the region, and it is also possible to move already established characters between realms for a fee.

To create a new character, in keeping with the storyline of previous games, players must choose between the opposing factions of the Alliance or the Horde. Characters from the opposing factions can perform rudimentary communication (most often just "emotes"), but only members of the same faction can speak, mail, group, and join guilds. The player selects the new character's , such as orcs or trolls for the Horde, or humans or dwarves for the Alliance. Players must select the for the character, with choices such as mages, warriors, and priests available. Most classes are limited to particular races.

Ongoing gameplay

As characters become more developed, they gain various talents and skills, requiring the player to further define the abilities of that character. Characters can choose from a variety of professions, such as tailoring, blacksmithing, or mining. Characters can learn four secondary skills: archeology, cooking, fishing, and first-aid. Characters may form and join , allowing characters within the guild access to the guild's chat channel, the guild name and optionally allowing other features, including a guild tabard, guild bank, and dues.

Much of World of Warcraft play involves the completion of . These quests, also called "tasks" or "missions", are usually available from NPCs. Quests usually reward the player with some combination of experience points, items, and in-game money. Quests allow characters to gain access to new skills and abilities, and explore new areas. It is through quests that much of the game's story is told, both through the quest's text and through scripted NPC actions. Quests are linked by a common theme, with each consecutive quest triggered by the completion of the previous, forming a . Quests commonly involve killing a number of creatures, gathering a certain number of resources, finding a difficult to locate object, speaking to various NPCs, visiting specific locations, interacting with objects in the world, or delivering an item from one place to another.

While a character can be played on its own, players can group with others to tackle more challenging content. Most end-game challenges are designed in a way that they can only be overcome while in a group. In this way, character classes are used in specific roles within a group. World of Warcraft uses a "rested bonus" system, increasing the rate that a character can gain experience points after the player has spent time away from the game. When a character dies, it becomes a ghost—or for Night Elf characters—at a nearby graveyard. Characters can be resurrected by other characters that have the ability, or can self-resurrect by moving from the graveyard to the place where they died. If a character is past level ten and they resurrect at a graveyard, the items equipped by the character degrade, requiring in-game money and a specialist NPC to repair them. Items that have degraded heavily become unusable until they are repaired. If the location of the character's body is unreachable, they can use a special "spirit healer" NPC to resurrect at the graveyard. When the spirit healer revives a character, items equipped by the character at that time are further degraded, and the character is significantly weakened by what is in-game called "resurrection sickness" for up to ten minutes, depending on the character's level. This "resurrection sickness" does not occur and item degradation is less severe if the character revives by locating its body, or is resurrected by another player through special items or spells.

World of Warcraft contains a variety of mechanisms for (PvP) play. Players on (PvE) servers can opt to "flag" themselves, making themselves attackable to players of the opposite faction. Depending on the mode of the realm, PvP combat between members of opposing factions is possible at almost any time or location in the game world—the only exception being the starting zones, where the PvP "flag" must be enabled by the player wishing to fight against players of the opposite faction. PvE (called normal or RP) servers, by contrast, allow a player to choose whether or not to engage in combat against other players. On both server types, there are special areas of the world where free-for-all combat is permitted. Battlegrounds, for example, are similar to dungeons: only a set number of characters can enter a single battleground, but additional copies of the battleground can be made to accommodate additional players. Each battleground has a set objective, such as capturing a flag or defeating an opposing general, that must be completed to win the battleground. Competing in battlegrounds rewards the character with tokens and honor points that can be used to buy armor, weapons, and other general items that can aid a player in many areas of the game. Winning a battleground awards more honor and tokens than losing. However, players also earn honor when they or nearby teammates kill players in a battleground.


Intent on settling the arid region of Durotar, Thrall's new Horde expanded its ranks, inviting the undead Forsaken to join orcs, tauren, and trolls. Meanwhile, dwarves, gnomes and the ancient night elves pledged their loyalties to a reinvigorated Alliance, guided by the human kingdom of Stormwind. After Stormwind's king, Varian Wrynn, mysteriously disappeared, Highlord Bolvar Fordragon served as Regent but his service was marred by the manipulations and mind control of the black dragon Onyxia, who ruled in disguise as a human noblewoman. As heroes investigated Onyxia's manipulations, ancient foes surfaced in lands throughout the world to menace Horde and Alliance alike.

Assault on Blackwing Lair

Deep within the fiery heart of Blackrock Mountain, the black dragon Nefarian conducted twisted experiments with the blood of other dragonflights. Intent on seizing the entire region for his own, he marshaled the remaining Dark Horde, a rogue army that embraced the demonic bloodlust of the old Horde. These corrupt orcs,customize bobblehead, trolls and other races battled against the Firelord Ragnaros and the shadowy Dark Iron dwarves for control of the smoldering mountain. Before he was vanquished by fearless heroes, Nefarian created the twisted chromatic dragons and a legion of other aberrations in his bid to form an army powerful enough to control Azeroth and continue the legacy of his infamous father, Deathwing the Destroyer.

Rise of the Blood God

Years ago, in the ruined temple of Atal'Hakkar, loyal priests of the Blood God Hakkar the Soulflayer attempted to summon the wrathful deity's avatar into the world. But his followers, the Atal'ai priesthood, discovered that the Soulflayer could only be summoned within the Gurubashi tribe's ancient capital, Zul'Gurub. Newly reborn in this jungle fortress, Hakkar took control of the Gurubashi tribe and mortal champions of the trolls' mighty animal gods. The Soulflayer's dark influence was barely halted when the wise Zandalari tribe recruited heroes from the Horde and the Alliance and staged an invasion of Zul'Gurub.

The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj

The great desert fortress of Ahn'Qiraj, long sealed behind the Scarab Wall, was home to the insectoid qiraji, a savage race that had once mounted an assault to devastate the continent of Kalimdor. But something far more sinister lurked behind Ahn'Qiraj's walls: the Old God C'Thun, an ancient entity whose pervasive evil had suffused Azeroth since time immemorial. As C'Thun incited the qiraji to frenzy, both the Alliance and Horde prepared for a massive war effort. A mixed force of Alliance and Horde soldiers, dubbed the Might of Kalimdor, opened the gates of Ahn'Qiraj under the command of the indomitable orc Varok Saurfang. Their charge: lay siege to the ruins and temples of Ahn'Qiraj, and vanquish the terrors of ages past.

Shadow of the Necropolis

In the Lich King's haste to spread the plague of undeath over Azeroth, he gifted one of his greatest servants, the lich Kel'Thuzad,Stellar Paddler Has Great Success At 2010 Canoeing Championships, with the flying citadel of Naxxramas, a horrific base of operations for the Scourge. Consistent attacks from the Scarlet Crusade and Argent Dawn factions weakened the defenses of the floating fortress, enabling an incursion that led to Kel'Thuzad's defeat. However, a traitor among the ranks of the knightly order of the Argent Dawn absconded with Kel'Thuzad's cursed remains and fled to Northrend, where the fallen lich could be reanimated.


World of Warcraft is set in the same universe as the series of games, and has a similar art direction. World of Warcraft contains elements from , , and : such as gryphons, dragons, and elves; steam-powered automata; zombies,., werewolves, and other horror monsters; as well as , spaceships, and alien worlds.

World of Warcraft takes place in a representation of the Warcraft universe that players can interact with through their characters. The game world initially consisted of the two continents in Azeroth: Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Three separate expansions later added to the game's playable area the realm of Outland and the continents of Northrend and Pandaria. As a player explores new locations, different routes and means of transportation become available. Players can access "flight masters" in newly discovered locations to fly to previously discovered locations in other parts of the world. Players can also use boats, zeppelins, or portals to move from one continent to another. Although the game world remains relatively similar from day to day, seasonal events reflecting real world events, such as Halloween, Christmas, Children's Week, Easter, and Midsummer have been represented in the game world. Locations also have variable weather including, among other things, rain, snow, and dust storms.

A number of facilities are available for characters while in towns and cities. In each major city, characters can access a bank to deposit items, such as treasure or crafted items. Each character has access to personal bank storage with the option to purchase additional storage space using in-game gold. Additionally, guild banks are available for use by members of a guild with restrictions being set by the guild leader. Auction houses are available for players to buy and sell items to others in a similar way to online auction sites such as . Players can use mailboxes, which can be found in almost every town. Mailboxes are used to collect items won at auction, and to send messages, items, and in-game money to other characters.

Some of the challenges in World of Warcraft require players to group together to complete them. These usually take place in dungeons—also known as "instances"—that a group of characters can enter together. The term "instance" comes from each group or party having a separate copy, or instance, of the dungeon, complete with their own enemies to defeat and their own treasure or rewards. This allows a group to explore areas and complete quests without others interfering. Dungeons are spread over the game world and are designed for characters of varying progression. A typical dungeon will allow up to five characters to enter as part of a group. Some dungeons require more players to group together and form a "raid" of up to forty players to face some of the most difficult challenges. As well as dungeon-based raid challenges, several creatures exist in the normal game environment that are designed for raids to attack.


World of Warcraft requires a subscription fee to be paid to allow continued play, with options to pay in one month, three-month, or six-month blocks, although timecards of varying length are available both online and from traditional retailers. Expansion packs are available online, and are also available from traditional retailers. As the game client is the same regardless of the version of World of Warcraft the user owns, the option to purchase expansions online was added as it allowed for a quick upgrade. World of Warcraft is available as a free Starter Edition, which is free to play for an unlimited amount of time. Starter Edition characters are unable to gain experience after reaching level 20, and there are other restrictions in effect for Starter Edition accounts, including the inability to trade, use public chat channels, join guilds, or amass more than ten gold.

Parental controls

The company offers parental controls that allow various limits to be set on playing time. It is possible to set a daily limit, a weekly limit, or to specify an allowed playing schedule. In order to control these settings, it is necessary to log in with different credentials than are used just to enter the game. It is also possible to receive statistics on the time spent playing. Apart from controlling children, adults sometimes use parental controls on themselves. The company supports this kind of protection as otherwise the potential players or their supervisors may choose to uninstall or block the game permanently.


World of Warcraft was first announced by Blizzard at the trade show in September 2001. Released in 2004, development of the game took roughly 4–5 years, including extensive testing. The 3D graphics in World of Warcraft use elements of the proprietary graphics engine originally used in Warcraft III. The game was designed to be an open environment where players are allowed to do what they please. Quests are optional and were designed to help guide players, allow character development, and to spread characters across different zones to try to avoid what developers called player collision. The game interface allows players to customize appearance and controls, and to install add-ons and other modifications.

World of Warcraft runs natively on both and platforms. Boxed copies of the game use a to install the game, eliminating the need for separate Mac and Windows retail products. The game allows all users to play together, regardless of their . Although there is no official version for any other platform, support for World of Warcraft is present in Windows implementations and allowing the game to be played under and . In addition, the Windows client allows for direct rendering in Wine, making performance on Unix-like platforms comparable to the native performance seen on Windows. While a native Linux client is neither released nor announced by Blizzard, in January 2011 journalist indicated in a article that a internal linux client might exist but is not released due to the non- of the linux ecosystem.

Regional variations

In the United States, Canada, and Europe, Blizzard distributes World of Warcraft via packages. The software package includes 30 days of gameplay for no additional cost. To continue playing after the initial 30 days, additional play time must be purchased using a credit card or prepaid game card. The minimum gameplay duration that a player can purchase is 30 days using a credit card, or 60 using a prepaid game card. A player also has the option of purchasing three or six months of gameplay at once for a 6–15% discount. In Australia, the United States, and many European countries, video game stores commonly stock the trial version of World of Warcraft in DVD form, which includes the game and 20 levels of gameplay, after which the player would have to upgrade to a retail account by supplying a valid credit card, or purchasing a game card as well as a retail copy of the game.

In Brazil, World of Warcraft was released on December 6, 2011 via BattleNet. The first three expansions are currently available, fully translated, including voice acting, into .

In South Korea, there is no software package or CD key requirement to activate the account. However, to play the game, players must purchase time credits online. There are two kinds of time credits available: one where the player is billed based on the actual number of minutes that will be available, and one where the player can play the game for a number of days. In the former, time can be purchased in multiples of 5 hours or 30 hours, and in the latter, time can be purchased in multiples of 7 days, 1 month, or 3 months. As software packages are not required, expansion pack contents are available to all players on launch day.

In China, because a large number of the players do not own the computer they use to play games (e.g. ), the CD keys required to create an account can be purchased independently of the software package. To play the game, players must also purchase prepaid game cards that can be played for 66 hours and 40 minutes. A monthly fee model is not available to players of this region. The Chinese government and , the licensee for World of Warcraft in China,custom bobblehead, have imposed a modification on Chinese versions of the game which places flesh on bare-boned skeletons and transforms dead character corpses into tidy graves. These changes were imposed by the Chinese government in an attempt to "promote a healthy and online game environment" in World of Warcraft. The Chinese government has delayed release of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, due to what it feels is objectionable content. NetEase took over licensing of World of Warcraft from in June 2009 following the expiration of The9's contract, and were able to secure a launch for on August 31, 2010, nearly two years after its Western release.

Post-launch development

The World of Warcraft launcher (referred to in press releases and the menu bar as the "Blizzard Launcher") is a program designed to act as a starting point for World of Warcraft players. It provides a way to launch World of Warcraft and starts the Blizzard updater. It was first included with the version 1.8.3 patch. The 2.1.0 patch allowed for an option to bypass the use of the launcher. Features of the launcher include news and updates for World of Warcraft players, access to World of Warcraft's support website, access to the test version of World of Warcraft when it is available to test upcoming patches, updates to , and updates to the updater itself. The 3.0.8 patch redesigned the launcher and added the ability to change the game settings from the launcher itself. The launcher update from patch 4.0.1 also allows people to play the game while non-crucial pieces of the game are downloaded. This requires a high speed broadband internet connection.

1.9.3 added native support for , making World of Warcraft a . As a result of this, the minimum supported Mac OS X version has been changed to 10.3.9; World of Warcraft version 1.9.3 and later will not launch on older versions of Mac OS X. architecture Macs are no longer supported since version 4.0.1.

When new content is added to the game, official system requirements may change. In version 1.12.0 the requirements for Windows were increased from requiring 256 MB to 512 MB of RAM. Official technical support was dropped, but the game continued to run there until version 2.2.3. Before Mists of Pandaria, World of Warcraft will officially drop support for .

Starting with 4.3, players could try out an experimental version of the client, which required manual downloading and copying files into the installation folder. Since 5.0, the 64-bit client is automatically installed, and used by default.

Since the , the client and most of the servers are supporting .


Four optional are currently available: , released in January 2007, , released in November 2008, , released in December 2010, and , released in September 2012. Players are not required to purchase the expansions to continue play. However, the expansion packs allow further leveling of characters beyond level 60 and access to newer content and areas. Characters cannot enter the additional regions without their respective expansion packs.

On June 28, 2011, The Burning Crusade expansion was automatically applied to all previous Warcraft accounts at no cost. On September 19, 2012, the same thing was done with the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, and on October 15, 2013 the Cataclysm expansion was also applied. All The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, and Cataclysm content is now effectively part of the original game, with all new Warcraft accounts automatically including these expansions upon creation.

Beta testing for was opened on March 21, 2012, and the expansion was released on September 25, 2012.

A planned fifth expansion, , was announced at on November 8, 2013, and is currently in beta. Warlords of Draenor is set to release on , .


The soundtrack for World of Warcraft was composed and arranged by Jason Hayes, , Derek Duke, and Glenn Stafford. It was released on November 23, 2004, together with the collector's edition of the game. It is sold separately on one in the format.

World of Warcraft Soundtrack tracklistNo.TitleLength1."Legends of Azeroth" (Main title)2:402."The Shaping of the World" (Exclusive track)2:243."Legacy" (Exclusive track)2:254."Song of Elune" (Exclusive track)2:135."Echoes of the Past" (Exclusive track)1:536."A Call to Arms"  2:187."Seasons of War" (Introduction music)2:578."Stormwind"  2:149."Orgrimmar"  2:1410."The Undercity"  2:2711."Thunder Bluff"  2:3512."Darnassus"  ,personalized bobbleheads;2:4413."Ironforge"  2:1414."Elwynn Forest"  3.0315."Duskwood"  6.0116."Dun Morogh"  ,personalized bobbleheads;7:3017."Burning Steppes"  2:2618."Shimmering Flats"  4:0719."Felwood"  2:3720."Stranglethorn Vale"  4:1221."Tanaris"  4:3122."Teldrassil"  3:5523."Tavern"  1:1324."Moonfall"  0:4825."Ruins"  1:1626."Temple"  1:0327."Lurking"  1:0028."Sacred"  1:1029."Graveyard"  1:0730."War"  0:49

On January 12, 2011, Alfred Publishing produced an officially licensed sheet music series for vocalists, pianists, strings, and other instruments, World of Warcraft Sheet Music Anthology in solo and accompaniment formats with CD. These works include four pages of collectable artwork, and vary by number of songs included.

ReceptionReceptionAggregate scoresAggregatorScore92%93%Review scoresPublicationScoreA9.1 out of 109 out of 108 out of 109,custom bob.5 out of 104.5 out of 593%9.5 out of 109.1 out of 1094%

World of Warcraft received universal acclaim upon release, following a period of high anticipation before launch. Although the game follows a similar model to—and was noted for using many familiar concepts from—the roleplaying genre, the new approaches to reducing pauses between game encounters were well liked. A common example was the approach to character death. In some previous MMORPGs, a player would suffer a high penalty for character death; in World of Warcraft, a player is able to recover and start playing quickly. Combat was another area where "downtime", or pauses between play, was reduced. By allowing all character types to recover from damage taken, players can return to combat quickly. Reviewers felt that these changes in pacing would make the genre more accessible to casual players—those who play for short periods of time— while still having "deep" gameplay that would attract players of all levels of interest. The concept of a "rested bonus", or increasing the rate at which a player's character gains experience, was also welcomed as a way for players to quickly catch up with their friends in progression.

was described as an integral part of the game, often being used to continue a storyline or lead the player through the game. The high number of quests in each location was popular, as well as the rewards for completing them. It was felt that the range of quests removed the need for a player to "grind", or carry out repetitive tasks, to advance their character. Quests also require players to explore every section of the game world, potentially causing problems for social gamers or roleplayers seeking somewhere quiet. Quests that required the player to collect items from the corpses of creatures they had killed were also unpopular; the low "drop rate", or chance of finding the items, makes them feel repetitive as a high number of creatures need to be killed to complete the quest. The large number of new players in a particular area meant that there were often no creatures to kill, or that players would have to wait and take turns to kill a particular creature to complete a quest. Some critics mentioned that the lack of quests that required players to group made the game feel as if it were designed for solo play. Others complained that some dungeon or instanced group quests were not friendly to new players, and could take several hours to complete. Upon release, a small number of quests had software that made them impossible to complete.

Characters were felt to be implemented well, with each class appearing "viable and interesting", having unique and different mechanisms, and each of the races having a distinct look and feel. Character development was also liked, with the talent mechanism offering choice to players, and profession options being praised. Character customization options were felt to be low, but the detail of character models was praised.

The appearance of the game world was praised by critics. Most popular was the fact that a player could run from one end of the continent to the other without having to pause at a "loading screen" while part of the game is retrieved from storage. The environment was described as "breathtaking". Players found it difficult to become lost, and each area in the game world had a distinct look that blended from one to the next. Critics described the environment as "a careful blend of cartoon, fantasy art, and realism". The game was found to run smoothly on a range of computer systems, although some described it as basic, and mentioned that the light rendering effect can blur things. One reviewer described the ability to fly over long stretches of scenery as "very atmospheric". The user interface was liked, being described as "simple", with helping to get the player started.

The game's audio was well received, particularly the background music. By assigning music to different areas of the game world, reviewers felt that the fantasy style added to the player's immersion, and that the replay value was increased. The sounds and voices used by characters and NPCs, as well as the overall sound effects, were felt to add a "personality" to the game.

World of Warcraft won several awards from critics upon release, including Editor's Choice awards. In addition, it won several annual awards from the media, being described as the best game in the role-playing and MMORPG genres. The graphics and audio were also praised in the annual awards, with the cartoonish style and overall sound makeup being noted. The game was also awarded Best Mac OS X Entertainment Product at the 2005 Apple Design Awards. World of Warcraft was recognised at the 2005 where it won Best PC Game, Best Multiplayer Game, Best RPG, and Most Addictive Game. In 2008, World of Warcraft was honoured—along with and —at the 59th Annual for advancing the art form of MMORPG games. In 2009, ranked World of Warcraft 11th on their list of "The Top 200 Games of All Time".

World of Warcraft was the of 2005 and 2006. On January 22, 2008, World of Warcraft had more than 10 million subscribers worldwide, with more than 2 million subscribers in Europe, more than 2.5 million in North America, and about 5.5 million in Asia. At its peak in October 2010 the game had 12 million subscribers. As of August 2014 the game has 6.8 million active subscribers. On January 28, 2014 Blizzard announced that 100 million accounts have been created for the game.

Less than two months after beginning operation of World of Warcraft in China on September 19, 2009, was ordered to immediately stop charging players and to cease accepting registrations. A press estimate indicated that if World of Warcraft were shut down in China, the loss of subscribers would have caused Activision Blizzard's earnings to fall from 65 cents per share to 60 cents per share. In April 2008, World of Warcraft was estimated to hold 62 percent of the MMORPG subscription market.

Security concerns

When players create World of Warcraft accounts, they are asked to choose a username and password. Afterward, whenever they play World of Warcraft, they are asked to supply the same username and password in full. This is also the case when using account management facilities online. This type of authentication is vulnerable to . While this is not unique to World of Warcraft and is common to many , the game has been directly targeted with being specifically crafted to capture account login details. Attacks have been reported as early as May 2006, and may extend as far back as July 30, 2005. The game does, however, allow players to save their account name to the program to allow the player to only have to type their password.

In September 2006, reports emerged of spoof World of Warcraft game advice websites that contained . Vulnerable computers would be infected through their , downloading a program that would then relay back account information. Blizzard's account support teams experienced high demand during this episode, stating that many users had been affected. Claims were also made that telephone support was closed for isolated periods due to the volume of calls and resulting queues. In April 2007, attacks evolved to take advantage of further exploits involving animated cursors, with multiple websites being used. Security researcher group released a report stating that a compromised World of Warcraft account was worth US$10 on the , compared to US$6 to US$12 for a compromised computer (correct as of March 2007). In February 2008, emails were distributed requesting that users validate their account information using a fake version of the World of Warcraft account management pages. In June 2008, Blizzard announced the Blizzard Authenticator, available as a hardware or mobile application that provides security. The token generates a based code that the player supplies when logging on. The password, used in addition to the user's own password, is only valid for a couple of minutes, thus providing extra security against keylogging .

Blizzard makes use of a system known as on the Windows version of the game to detect programs,personalized bobblehead, such as software, allowing World of Warcraft to be played unattended. There has been some controversy as to the legality of Warden. Warden uses techniques similar to to analyze other running software on the players' PCs, as well as the . However, unlike most anti-virus software, it sends a portion of this information back to Blizzard, which caused privacy advocates to accuse it of being . One example of the information Warden collects is the title of every window open on the system while WoW is running. Blizzard has not stated what information is passed by Warden over the Internet, or if that information is encrypted, so it is entirely possible that this information is passed over the Internet back to Blizzard.[] On the other hand, many gamers responded positively to the development, stating that they supported the technology if it resulted in fewer cases of cheating. Blizzard's use of Warden was stated in the Terms of Agreement (TOA).

The Warden's existence was acknowledged in March 2008, during the opening legal proceedings against MDY Industries. The lawsuit was filed in federal court in , and also listed Michael Donnelly as a defendant. Donnelly was included in the suit as the creator of , software that can automatically play many tasks in the game. Blizzard claimed the software is an infringement of its and , stating that "Glider use severely harms the WoW gaming experience for other players by altering the balance of play, disrupting the social and immersive aspects of the game, and undermining the in-game economy." Donnelly claims to have sold 100,000 copies of the $25 software.

Real ID

On July 6, 2010, Blizzard Entertainment announced that on its forums for all games, users' accounts would display the real names tied to their accounts. Blizzard announced the change following an agreement with Facebook to allow Facebook to connect persons who choose to become friends to share their real identity (Real ID, as Blizzard calls the feature). The integration of the feature into the forums on the Blizzard Entertainment site raised concerns amongst fans of the many game series Blizzard has created over the years.

In response to the concerns, Blizzard released an updated statement on July 9, 2010, announcing that the Real ID integration with the official forums was being canceled.

Community and study of player interaction

In addition to playing the game itself and conversing on discussion forums provided by Blizzard,custom, World of Warcraft players often participate in the in creative ways, including fan artwork and comic strip style storytelling.

Blizzard garnered criticism for its decision in January 2006 to ban guilds from advertising sexual orientation preferences. The incident occurred after several players were cited for "harassment" after advocating a group that was a gay-straight alliance. Blizzard later reversed the decision to issue warnings to players promoting -friendly guilds.

On October 7, 2010 World of Warcraft reached a subscriber base of over 12 million players. Since May 2011, the number of players playing had decreased by 10% from 11.4 million to 10.3 million. Blizzard's CEO Mike Morhaime said that the reason was probably due to a drop-off in the Eastern markets. In 2012, senior producer John Lagrave told that the drop in subscriptions may have also been attributed to the recent release of 's .

Sale of virtual goods in the real world

As with other , companies have emerged offering to sell virtual gold and associated services. The practice of amassing gold and in-game items for financial profit is frequently referred to as .

After Blizzard started offering free trial gameplay accounts, players noticed an increase in from advertising these services. One study shows that this problem is particularly prevalent on the European realms, with gold being over 14 times more expensive to buy on US realms than their European counterparts.

In patch 2.1, Blizzard responded to this by adding additional anti-spam mechanics including whisper throttling and the report spam function. Additionally, trial accounts are prevented from speaking in the public chat channels (although they may speak to players within range or whisper to other players that have first whispered to them), participating in in-game trades, and using the Auction House and the mail feature, among other limitations.

In May 2007, Blizzard filed a complaint against in Game Dollar LLC (trading as peons4hire) in U.S. federal court. In February 2008, the parties filed a consent decree in which in Game Dollar agreed to refrain from using any World of Warcraft chat or communication to advertise any business or sell any services relating to World of Warcraft. In June, 2007, World of Warcraft player Antonio Hernandez filed a class action lawsuit against for interfering with the intended use of the game.

As characters progress in World of Warcraft and take on some of the toughest challenges, many of the rewards received are bound to that character and cannot be traded, generating a market for the trading of accounts with well-equipped characters. The highest noted World of Warcraft account trade was for ?5000 (?7000, US$9,900) in early September 2007. The high price was due to the character possessing items that at the time were owned by only a handful out of the millions of active players, due to the difficulty in acquiring them. However, Blizzard banned the account five days after the purchase.

The practice of buying or selling gold in World of Warcraft has generated significant controversy. On February 21, 2008, Blizzard released a statement concerning the consequences of buying gold. Blizzard reported that an "alarmingly high" proportion of all gold bought originates from "hacked" accounts. The article also stated that customers who had paid for character leveling services had found their accounts compromised months later, with all items stripped and sold for virtual gold. The article noted that leveling service companies often used "disruptive hacks ... which can cause realm performance and stability issues".

Corrupted Blood plague incident

The Corrupted Blood plague incident was one of the first events to affect entire servers. Patch 1.7 saw the opening of Zul'Gurub, the game's first 20-player raid dungeon where players faced off against a tribe of trolls. Upon engaging the final boss, players were stricken by a called "Corrupted Blood" which would periodically sap their life. The disease was passed on to other players simply by being near infected players. Originally this malady was confined within the Zul'Gurub instance, but it made its way into the outside world by way of hunter pets or warlock minions that contracted the disease.

Within hours, Corrupted Blood had completely infected major cities because of their high player concentrations. Low-level players were killed in seconds by the high-damage disease. Eventually Blizzard fixed the issue so that the plague could not exist outside of Zul'Gurub.

The Corrupted Blood plague so closely resembled the of real-world epidemics that scientists are currently looking at the ways MMORPGs or other massively distributed systems can model human behavior during outbreaks. The reaction of players to the plague closely resembled previously hard-to-model aspects of human behavior that may allow researchers to more accurately predict how diseases and outbreaks spread amongst a population.

In other media

World of Warcraft has inspired artists to satirize it and acknowledge its mark in popular culture. One example is the Emmy Award winning episode "".

The game has been used to advertise unrelated products, such as trucks.

In late 2007, a series of television commercials for the game began airing featuring pop culture celebrities such as , , and discussing the virtues of the character classes they play in the game. A Spanish commercial featuring , and a French commercial featuring , were also televised. Two more were shown in November 2008, featuring and . Another commercial in the series, which began airing in November 2011, featured and played on the Internet phenomenon of "".

World of Warcraft has inspired two board games: (including Shadow of War and The Burning Crusade expansions) and World of Warcraft: The Adventure Game, produced by . There are also a , and a collectible miniatures game on the market, both formerly produced by , now produced by . Cryptozoic released an "Archives" set which contains foil reproductions of older cards produced by Upper Deck. In August 2012, Megabloks launched a licensed line of World of Warcraft 'building block' toys based on the game scenes, scenarios and characters. In March 2013, was announced, this is a digital card game based on the Warcraft universe and it uses classes similar to World of Warcraft.

In November 2007, published the first issue of the World of Warcraft comic under their .

Professional competition

In early 2012 Blizzard Entertainment started its own series of tournaments for World of Warcraft and , culminating in the 2012 World Championship Global Finals.

ReferencesExternal linksWikimedia Commons has media related to .ExpansionsCommon ElementsLiteratureGamesSoftwareMiscellaneousWarcraftWorld of WarcraftTabletop gamesBooksGraphic novelsOther mediaWorldRelated articlesMain franchisesOther gamesPeopleRelated

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NHL � History Of Washington Capitals Franchise, From Inception To Present Day.

The Washington Capitals are one of the premier hockey teams in the National Hockey League (NHL). They are a professional men's hockey team that plays in the Southeast Division and they are a part of the Eastern Conference in the NHL. The team is based out of Washington D.C. and they play all of their home games in the Verizon Center that is located in the Chinatown neighborhood of Washington. They are owned by Ted Leonsis and he has brought the team some of their most notable players in Alex Ovechkin,custom bob, Mike Green, Nicklas Backstrom, and Alex Semin. They are currently coached by Bruce Boudreau. Previous to 1997 they used to play all of their home games in the Capital Center out in the suburbs.

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The Washington Capitals entered the National Hockey League in 1974 and they came in and fell flat on their faces. Their record for their first year of play was 8-67-5 and was a grueling season to watch for this first year team,personalized bobbleheads. It would be an entire decade before the team could pull itself together and make it to the playoffs.

In 1982,custom bobbleheads, General Manager David Poile would pull off a huge trade where the team would acquire players such as Craig Laughlin,custom, Doug Jarvis, Rod Langway, and Brian Engblom. This seemed to turn the entire franchise around because in 1983 they made a 29 point jump and made their very first playoff appearance in the league. While they would eventually be beaten by the New York Islanders, this would be the start of a new era for the team.

For the next 14 years the Washington Capitals would make it to the playoffs every single year. They were known to start off slow but gain momentum around January,customize bobblehead. The only problem with this style of play was that it didn't seem to carry too far into the playoffs,.. They would usually get beaten in the first or second round of the post season,personalized bobble heads. In 1998, the team was led by Peter Bondra's 52 goals and they ended up making it as far as the Stanley Cup Finals. This was the team's first and only appearance there and they ended up being beaten by the more talented Detroit Red Wings who swept them in four games,custom bo,Play World of Warcraft online for free

The next few years would be a time of rebuilding and close calls. In 2001 the Capitals would acquire Jaromir Jagr but it wouldn't do much to turn the franchise around. In 2004 the Capitals would accept the fact that Jagr was an expensive veteran who hadn't done much to help the team get any better so they would trade him to New York. In 2004 the Capitals got a break in the draft by selecting Alexander Ovechkin and he would remain with the team until the present day.

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Saturday, September 27, 2014

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Hello Community,customize bobblehead,After such hard work, the Ulduar release date has been decided: it will be released on September 26th. The arena season will end during the September 25th.I have to say,Soccer Carnival - 2010 FIFA World Cup S. Africa,personalized bobbleheads, I am insanely thankfull to all those beta testers who have spent hours testing every single mode in Ulduar - like mentioned ...

World of Warcraft, Eh - An amusing look at World of Warcraft, with just a delicate hint of Canadian

So, I’m going to make a comfortable assumption that everyone knows about – the innocently ignorant statements of one Rob Pardo of Blizzard Entertainment (credit to There’s also the full video of it (go from 70:10-74-ish). Long and the short of it is that Rob, when asked about valuing gameplay over narrative, and what is Blizzard doing about inclusiveness, responded that “oh, well, we don’t really focus on that. We’re not out to make a social statement; we just want to have fun. Our writers grew up reading comics and idolizing Frank Frazetta so all our female characters are sexy fantasy women.” When asked as to why don’t they hire more female devs to help bring diversity to the table,customize bobblehead, he responded with the same “we just don’t get as many female applicants.”

It’s a long and sordid problem – young women don’t get into STEM, programming or game design because they’re faced with shitty obstacles just for being girls, which leads many to not bother pursuing, which leads the resume pool for qualified women to be VERY small. I’ve worked in gaming and animation since 2007 – I know the situation.

But that’s not what this is about. This is about a C-level Blizz exec essentially saying that adding diversity to the game is just too much effort,personalized bobble heads, and we don’t want to rock the boat. I understand that their audience contains straight white men,., but…women make up nearly half of the entire gaming population, and we’re NOT just all healers. The WoW community is fueled by some of the hardest working, most insanely talented women I’ve ever had the honor of meeting, so…why? Why are women relegated to being the sexy lamp window dressing piece for WoW, or stripped of their power to just cool their heels and let the boys have their adventure? It was another crushing blow to an already shaking community foundation, and Rob’s thoughtless comments made the ground buckle for more than just a few people. Several high-ranking community members threw in the towel to say enough is enough, and I do not blame them one bit.

Where am I going with all this?

Well…nowhere. For now, at least.

WoW Eh has certainly suffered in the past 2 months, but that is entirely due to the fact that I got a new job that takes up a?lot of my time and energy. Comics are still a-coming,personalized bobble heads, don’t you worry! But besides that, I was thinking about what the fan community brings to WoW. I consider myself to be a part of a couple of different fandoms, and the biggest thing you’ll see in it is fanfiction and fanart. Any of these fan creations struck me as someone’s way of saying “the source material is good…in theory, but I think it would be interesting if we made this character gay, or a POC.” It’s a way for fans to repair the damage done to a franchise that is, at the end of the day,Tennis Bags - Tennis Express,custom, more concerned with making money than catering to someone’s OTP.

I feel that’s what I try to do with my comics and characters. WoW Eh is, in its purest essence, fanfiction. I try to stay as true to the canonical world as possible, but Cadistra and Kissless (and even poor Kama) are representations of what I’d like to see in WoW. Cadistra is sweet, funny, generous and kind, but has a wicked temper and a feral rage boiling just under the surface. Kissless is tiny, fearless, and an example of a woman who was stripped of a given power only to fight back for every scrap of it. She loves fighting, fucking and is far too impulsive for anyone who would call themselves a paladin. What I’m trying to say is that they’re flawed, but when you think about it, the fact that they’re both women have nothing to do with their actions. They could still do all of those things and be all of those things if they were men,personalized bobblehead, so…why can’t WoW? Why can’t women in WoW have power? Why are they all showing their midriff? Why can’t they laugh, cry, have bad habits,custom bo, or, y’know, be multi-dimensional characters that go beyond being someone’s wife, lover or girlfriend? Why are there so few female characters in WoW who are not defined just by being on the arm of an already-established male power fantasy?

A great point that was brought up in at least two articles I’ve seen was Hearthstone. There are…two female heroes; Jaina and Valeera. Instead of putting the Dark Lady,?the leader of the forsaken and the best archer in not only Azeroth but ALSO Draenor as the hunter hero, we got…Rexxar? Maybe some alternate heroes in the future, at least? Aponi Brightmane for a paladin hero? Magatha Grimtotem for a shaman hero? Christ,?Aggra as a shaman hero?!

Anyways, I’m veering off course. WoW Eh means so much to me because I’ve carved out a little corner of the vibrant and war-torn world of Azeroth for two women who can like cute things, cute guys, and still defend their homes, people and factions – without being relegated to 3″ stiletto heels and a steel thong (if you want to dress that way because you find it empowering,customized bobbleheads, by all means! Just do it for YOU, and not to fulfill the male gaze). And even if it doesn’t always translate (I’m not the best artist!) I’ve even changed the girls over the years – I specifically draw Cadi more pear-shaped/bottom-heavy, and Kissless is now thin and lean; no longer the perfect hourglass she used to be. I’m trying to show that heavier women with different body types can be heroic. I’m trying to show that it’s okay to be who you are, and to like what you like, and to feel what you feel!

If Blizzard won’t make WoW a safe place, then you can come hang out with Cadistra, Kissless and Kama, because you’ll?always have a shoulder to lean on over here.


That Was Quick Erica Mena Reveals Engagement To Bow Wow [VIDEO] HelloBeautiful

Shad Moss (aka Bow Wow) is ready to settle down,personalized bobble heads, and it looks like he’s chosen Erica Mena as his bride-to-be!

Well,custom, this should make the next season of “Love & Hip Hop” a little more interesting. The VH1 reality star spilled a few cups of tea while walking the red carpet at the 2014 BET Hip Hop Awards on Saturday when she ran into

A reporter wanted to know what she’s been up to since last time the public’s seen her,customized bobbleheads, and she’s been keeping busy! The volatile model shared that she’s picked up an extra gig, and she let everyone know when they can expect season 5 of “LHH” to begin.

“We got ’106 & Park;’ I’m on it now,custom bob,” she said before jumping right into an update on her reality show. “’Love & Hip Hop,customize bobblehead,’ we come back in November.”


With as much time as Erica’s been spending with Bow Wow it makes sense that she’ll be popping on BET’s video countdown show with him. They’ve gotten so cozy people wonder whether they’re dating. The big news wasn’t just that she confirmed her relationship with Shad,custom made,Princess tiara or crown - For the best bridal dresses - Bride To Be - Wedding Forum Canada, but she flashed a ring to show everyone that it’s real!

“He’s actually my fiancée,” Erica said when asked whether she was dating Bow Wow. The pair only started seeing each other this summer,customized bobbleheads, and this time last year she was madly in love with Cyn Santana. We say all that this to say that news of her engagement might come as a shock to most people.

The rapper hasn’t spoken out on their engagement just yet,custom bo, but congrats to the happy couple.


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Child Safety On The Beach

Summertime has finally arrived,customized bobbleheads, there is a blue sky and suns shining, so pack those beach bags, put the kids in the car,personalized bobble heads, gather the essentials and head for a fun day along the coast
Woolacombe is a popular surfing resort but is also good for many other pursuits, there is a golden beach to enjoy, catering for everyone. There is a toy train ride on the beach which very young children love, and teens can be satisfied with adventurous pursuits such as hiring a surf board and even the clothing! They will both be happy for the day.
To ensure that the day remains the memorable fun occasion it is intended to be there are a few simple safety rules,custom bo. If the following straightforward information is observed then everyone will have a good day. Most unfortunate incidents experienced by families on a day out could have been avoided by following a few basic pieces of information outlined below.
There are a number of factors to keep in mind whilst visiting a beach with a party of children,,. To ensure everyone returns home safe and sound with only those happy memories. Generally speaking, most incidents that happen on a beach could be easily avoided if the adult in the party simply carries out a simple risk assessment,custom bobblehead.
The following are important points to bear in mind:
� It is important to know exactly where your children are at all times
� Give a landmark for children to return to as the beach looks very large from the edge of sea
� Ensure you use adequate sunscreen and apply regularly, even on cool days
� Sunhat/Top is advisable if prolonged period on beach to avoid sunburn/sunstroke
� Advise a lifeguard immediately if your child is missing
� ALWAYS STAY NEARBY if not in water yourself
� Not advisable to continue playing in water once lifeguards have left for day
� Ensure adequate fluid intake
Get a Childrens Wetsuit to help protect them & keep them warmer in the sea
Blow up Toys & Airbeds
� These are not designed for use in the sea but for pools. They can easily be swept out, if you must use them then the following guidelines should be observed:
� Stay nearby
� Ensure supervision by an adult at all times
� Only use between the red and yellow flags* - there may be dangerous currents outside of these areas
� Ensure you know what the flag meanings are * see below for beach flag meanings
� Lifeguards advice should be followed on conditions
� Avoid large waves
� If an orange windsock is flying never use them as this indicates offshore winds
Red & Yellow Flags
� Life-guarded area, safest place to swim body board and use inflatables
Black & White Flags
� For surf-boards,custom bobbleheads, kayaks and other non-powered craft, never surf or body board here
Red Flag
� Danger,World of Warcraft Promotional Code Retrieval Page,customized bobbleheads! Never go in the water when the red flag is up under ANY circumstances
Orange Flag
� Show offshore winds or unsafe wind conditions - never use an inflatable when the sock is flying

Remember to get your child from a Childrens Wetsuit Specialist
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