Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Baby Mama Drama, Kind Of (No Babies Actually Involved)

Mr. Caterpillar’s ex-girlfriend is coming to New York to visit some friends, and she’s already called around to various people (not Mr. Caterpillar) trying to set up little get-togethers. Mr. Caterpillar’s band is playing a show on Friday, and she’s decided she’d like to attend. I would rather she didn’t. Really, if I had my rathers, I would rather she just sort of disappeared. Like that part in March of the Penguins when the 100 mph Antarctic winds blow and the older penguins just kind of . . . disappear? Unfortunately it’s spring, so I don’t think she’ll actually get knocked over by anything.

The last time she came to visit, she was introduced as a “friend”, and, naturally, I was really friendly to her. For my efforts, I got, in turn, (1) stony silence, (2) monosyllabic answers, (3) bizarre condescension. When I asked Mr. Caterpillar about it, he admitted that they had been involved previously, and that maybe she was a little jealous. That sort of explained everything, except why Mr. Caterpillar wouldn’t have told me BEFORE, so I wouldn’t have actually spent quality time trying to talk to this person. Sheesh.

In any case, she’ll be here Friday. Mr. Caterpillar has offered to (1) call her and tell her not to come because he doesn’t want her there, (2) tell her that he doesn’t appreciate her unfriendliness if we see her at the show, or (3) any combination of 1 or 2 + other things that will make me feel better. Now, I appreciate the thoughtfulness of all three offers, but I can’t actually avail myself of any of them without appearing like a crazy shrew. So, I guess we’ll just go, and I’ll try to avoid her. Meanwhile, I’m kind of praying for a freak Antarctic blizzard.

Tags: new-york BLOGGER Mrs. Caterpillar Location: New York/CA Wedding Date: September 2015 Venue: Rooster Point --> PREVIOUS POSTBeach Themed Wedding NEXT POSTRehearsal Dresses Related Posts Narwhal Engagement Photo Reveal!02/10/15 @ 7:33 am Our Story01/09/15 @ 7:51 am Tips on Choosing a Wedding Venue09/05/14 @ 9:41 am Wedding Unplanning: The Next Steps08/29/14 @ 11:53 am

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