Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Straight Blazing ECW Report For 03 31 09


Well ladies and gentleman let me start off by welcoming you to the new ECW report,personalized bobbleheads! I want to send a special thank you to The Glide for being such a great ECW reporter for a long time! Now moving on.. This weeks ECW was for the most part a Raw Recap so before I get into the results of the show. Let me give you my Wrestlemania Predictions real quick. Please feel free to leave your feedback to my picks as well as anything else your little hearts desire,custom bobbleheads!

Money In The Bank Match

I wont bore you with all the particpants in this years installment.. Because its pretty lackluster if you ask me.. Mark Henry,customized bobbleheads, Finlay,personalized bobblehead, and Kane have no business being in this match, But I digress. I believe the winner of this match will be CM Punk for the second year in a row. I think they want him to have a decent run early next year with the title and a possible WM title match involving him. They are priming him to be a big star and this would make sense. Last year he had to prematurely cash in his case because of all the injuries that plagued the WWE. Honorable mention to possibly take home the briefcase would be a retuning Christian. Though I don�t see them giving it to him as well as I don�t see MVP winning it either. I know they are pushing him but I don�t think he is ready for the main event.

25 Diva�s Battle Royal

Well,customized bobbleheads.. I don�t give a crap about this match whatsoever unless they somehow get Lita to come back. They already have other divas coming back for the Battle Royal including Trish Stratus to many reports. So you can expect to see Trish walking away with the title of Ms. Wrestlemania,personalized bobble heads. But I�m pulling for Santino to somehow get his way into the match and win. That would be the highlight of Wrestlemania,personalized bobblehead!

JBL v Rey Mysterio for the IC Championship

If Rey Mysterio wins.. I will riot to no end,Breitling Super Avenger Blacksteel Hommes Montre Chronographe.. JBL is going to retain and retire at WM as the Intercontinental Champion making history. Then I hope he comes back to Smackdown as the announcer because he is GOLD on the mic. After JBL drops it I hope that they bring some credit back to the belt and even maybe have Rey Rey take a decent reign with it even though I cant stand him and think he should be in the unemployment aisle with Braden Walker,BC Cat Skiing Popular Attractions � Island Lake Lodge Catskiing.

Miz and Morrison v The Colons for the Unified Tag Titles

Miz and Morrison are by far the best tag team in wrestling right now with the much improved Miz and the ever talented Morrison doing amazing things on the mic and in the ring. They deserve to win this match and Im picking them to as well. Miz and Morrison become your ONLY Tag Team Champions! They deserve this title more than The Colons or anyone else in the WWE and if they do not get the win then it�s a shame.

Jeff Hardy v Matt Hardy

This feud has been everything but spectacular.. It has been totally lackluster and I believe WWE really dropped the ball on this one.. The hype they could have had going into this match would have been out of this WORLD! For some reason they havent given this feud any time to grow or really pick up speed. I think they would have been better going with Christian and using Edge into the storyline more. Way to go Vince, You shook the smarks but you put together a crap feud.

Undertaker v HBK

This is by far the best matchup of the night and the most hyped going into WM. You have two legends of the business facing off against one another and the promos have been outstanding as well as the vignettes. I seriously think this will steal the show by far. The Undertaker will not lose his streak to HBK because there is no point in it. If he does then the WWE drops the ball on a chance to establish a young person right away. Undertaker wins,personalized bobble heads!

John Cena v Big Show v Edge for Vickies Love� and the WHC

This feud isn�t coming along like I hoped it would.. Getting sick of seeing Vickie everywhere I turn,custom bobblehead.. So Im just gonna make the simple pick.. I believe John Cena walks out champ and then loses it to Show in the upcoming weeks.. John Cena is the best worker and the biggest star you have in the company so I do expect him to pick up this important WM victory.

HHH v Randy Orton for the WWE Title

So many people have predictions for this match and they think that either The McMahons are gonna turn on HHH and make it so Orton is their golden boy. People are saying you are going to see a HHH/Steph heel turn again and go against the McMahons and Orton turns face� But no matter how you look at it.. I believe you have to give the title to Randy Orton. He is the second hardest working guy you got all around.. So give him the title, Randy Orton FTW!

Now that the main Wrestlemania predictions are out of the way lets get on to ECW.. It started out with a tag match featuring Mark Henry and Kane v Christian and Finlay to hype up their participants in the MITB. Assuming that we just know Kane is basically back on ECW as well as Mark. The match itself was nothing pretty but it was a solid little match that basically was any typical tag match we have seen from the MITB participants lately. I didn�t see too many mistakes and the end result was Mark Henry picking up the win over Christian with a Worlds Strongest Slam. Henry then proceeded to take out Kane with a clothesline and I guess show the world he might� actually� Ok I cant finish that statement,... Mark Henry will not win MITB�

On to the main event.. That�s right.. it�s a two match ECW because every single other minute has been devoted to video packages of HBK/Taker, HHH/Orton, and Cena/Show/Edge.. Though I don�t blame them for this because it hyped up your three biggest matches only 5 days from Wrestlemania. Anyways, Who ever thought watching twins roll around and fight could be so boring? I sure as hell didn�t think so. But the Bella twins made sure that the people would have to be disappointed with the ECW this week. They had a below average match which ended when Miz and Morrison distracted the ref which helped their Bella sister get the roll up. For the record Nikki is the bella sister who won and is with Miz and Morrison�

Overall this show was a huge hype tool for Wrestlemania and with no ECW matches being on there, Thanks for sucking Swagger, We get a recap of Raw basically. The show itself was poor because of the matches and only having two. The hype they did get for WM though is great and therefore doesn�t make the show a COMPLETE waste.

I did want to comment on ECW as a brand real quick being that this is my first ECW article. I believe that this brand is such a good place to use developmental talent and where we can really see people shine. Like take Jack Swagger for instance.. They are building him as one of the newest things to hit wrestling and so far he has done little to impress the fans and people in the back. Vince was really high on him and now after seeing what he can do as a champ I would reckon you might see him back in FCW soon. But also ECW is a good place to see wrestling usually. You have people like Evan Bourne,How To Play Cricket, Christian,,,Complete Package For RV Storage, TJ Wilsok(aka Tyson Kidd) DJ Gabriel, and others that put on a solid show and give you entertaining matches.

ECW the name shouldn�t be used in my opinion because the E still stands for Extreme the last time I checked. Why I may not have found the old ECW entertaining it still doesn�t change the fact that ECW is by NO MEANS extreme anymore. It is a show where a lot of the young talent and some of the vets can show the talent they do have. Teddy Long is a good fit for the GM of the show and most of the promos they have are entertaining as can be,custom bobbleheads. Christians return to the brand only means good things for the future of ECW as well. Not to forget that they have the best color commentator probably in the company in Matt Stryker. He has done a phenomenal job as a commentator and I hope to see him go far in this company.

In honor of Glide, I will rate this show a 2.5 out of 5

Thanks for reading! Hope I actually get something to report on soon!

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