Friday, May 8, 2015

Beware Of The Network Marketing Time Snatchers.

I have found there are prime examples of time distractions: our surroundings and our own team members,personalized bobble heads.

Our surroundings could be a distraction by robbing us of the time we intend to spend on building our businesses,custom bobbleheads. Let me give you an example: suppose you are building your network marketing business part-time while working a full time job. You allocate two hours each night after dinner to working the business (making calls,High Quality Axo Boots, writing articles,personalized bobblehead, marketing through social media, etc,..). Unfortunately you hit a lot of traffic and arrive home an hour later than anticipated,personalized bobble heads. You are frazzled and by the time you have dinner you feel it is too late to start to work your business so you push it off to tomorrow night,personalized bobblehead.

Another major distraction is once we are online attempting to market through social media, an email may catch our attention. Or someone sends an interesting Tweet and we decide to follow the link. Or one of our Facebook friends initiates an online chat. Can you hear the time being sucked right out of your night?

Distractions in your surroundings are easy to fix. Check your email by reading the subject line. If it is not something relevant to your business, do not open it. Turn your chat off when you are on your social media account(s). Do not follow any links that may catch your eye as you can do this later after you have given your business the attention it deserves.

The biggest distraction of all: your team members. Right from when a new team member joins your group,customized bobbleheads, you have to set the tone that he/she must respect your time. This is not to say that you avoid contact with team members�this is,customize bobblehead, after all a person-to-person business. However,customized bobbleheads,Shredding Harlow - What To Look For, we are not a babysitting service. Once a team member is trained and up and running,customize bobblehead, your spoon feeding days are over. The relationship must enter the growing phase. Part of this growth is to build your team member's confidence level that they can successfully run their business on their own with guidance from you if requested/needed.

An example of a team member time snatcher from my recent past. I would receive frequent calls from an over the internet,personalized bobbleheads,Design Your Own Wedding Dresses Online, personally sponsored team member. These calls tended to be frivolous: nothing to do with the business usually asking what the weather was in my area. I held my tongue but what I wanted to say, for the love of God,Guide to Buy Wedding Dresses at Low Cost,,, do you think I am Al Rocker. Obviously this person did not respect my time which could have been better spent talking with others on my team who were working their businesses.

As you can imagine,custom bobbleheads, I can go on and on but I will leave it at that. He did not last very long in the business and in the short time since leaving our business he has managed to get involved with a number of other network marketing companies. I sincerely hope one day he finds his niche if he has not already.

This is no direct correlation between time spent with a team member and their operating a successful business within your business,custom bobblehead. Look for those self-starters who will treat your time as a precious commodity and not want to snatch it away from you�just as they do not want their time needlessly snatched away from them,custom bobblehead.

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