Friday, June 12, 2015

The Smackdown Low Down For 6 05 09

Pre Show Thoughts/Events:,customize bobblehead

None this week really.. except since the draft, Smackdown has really proven to me to be the new #1 show, even though WWE is trying to keep it as Raw being number 1. So far,custom bobblehead, the segments, matches and feuds on Smackdown have been the best in awhile,personalized bobble heads! Keep it up!

SmackDown opens with the Cutting Edge. Jeff Hardy is the special guest. Several ladders are in the ring. Jeff gets several big pops. He climbs one of the ladders and tells Edge that if he wants to talk to him, he s going to have to do it while he s up there. Edge climbs the ladder and says that no matter how high Jeff gets he ll knock him back down. He pushes Jeff off the ladder onto the ground. Not really that great of a segment but.. it ll do. Was kinda to blah for me.

Shelton Benjamin vs. John Morrison:

Benjamin gets up before Morrison does and jerks the knee a few times before Morrison kips up on one leg and hits an enzuigiri on Benjamin. That was impressive .... Morrison waits for Benjamin to get up and when he does he springboards off the ropes for his roundhouse but Benjamin ducks and locks on a single leg Boston Crab. Morrison reaches for the ropes but Benjamin pulls him to the middle of the ring but Morrison slides under and rolls him up for a near fall.

Morrison capitalizes with some clubs and a European Uppercut. Morrison has a whip reversed on him and Benjamin goes for a spinning backbreaker but Morrison counters into a huge DDT. Benjamin is now set up and Morrison hits Starship Pain for the win! This is about as good as a five minute match can get,A SRED Reboot Maybe , But Not For Your SRED Financing Needs! Finance Your SR&ED Tax Credit Consulta,custom bobblehead.

Winner by Pinfall: John Morrison

Match Rating: 7/10

We see Chris Jericho walking backstage. They mention he�ll be attempting to win the Intercontinental Championship on Sunday for the unprecedented ninth time. We�ll hear from him next,personalized bobblehead, as well as see him in action.

Jericho starts to talk about Rey Mysterio. Truth chimes in and calls Jericho a hypocrite and warns him that things are gonna get bad for him,custom bobbleheads.

Chris Jericho vs. R Truth:

....R Truth goes into the ropes but Jericho lays him out with a back elbow. Jericho goes for the Lionsault but R Truth moves. R Truth now goes for his Scissors Kick but Jericho moves and attempts the Walls of Jericho but R Truth gets an inside cradle for a very near fall,customize bobblehead. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho again but R Truth fights it so Jericho catapults him into the corner but R Truth lands on the second rope. R Truth jumps off but Jericho catches him mid air with the Codebreaker for the win!

Winner by Pinfall: Chris Jericho

Match Rating: 6/10

As Jericho walks up the ramp Mysterio attacks him from behind, punching Jericho until the referees run down and break it up. Mysterio looks intense before he jumps off the ramp onto Jericho with a seated senton on the concrete! Mysterio talks a little trash before the referees separate them again.

CM Punk vs. Umaga:

Punk eventually fights up and elbows the Samoan Bulldozer. Punk hits some punches and kicks before going into the ropes and getting laid out with a side kick. Umaga sets Punk up and goes for a Banzai Drop but Punk gets a foot in Umaga�s chin. Punk springboards off the top rope with a clothesline and gets a near fall,custom bobbleheads. Punk ducks a clothesline and strikes him a few times before hitting a dropkick to the knee that drops Umaga to a knee. Punk goes back into the ropes and hits a dropkick to the face for a two count. Punk hits some forearms and goes for a cross body block but Umaga counters with his spinning side slam for a very near fall.

Umaga drags Punk to the corner and sets him up in a seated position. Umaga goes for the Samoan Wrecking Ball but Punk moves and hits a knee strike in the corner but Umaga quickly shoves Punk off like nothing happened. Umaga now picks up the Samoan Strap but the referee admonishes him. Punk now turns Umaga around and hits the Go To Sleep for the big win!

Winner by Pinfall: CM Punk

Match Rating: 7/10

Jim Ross and Todd Grisham are in the ring to run down the card for Extreme Rules. It looks like a really strong card,The Significance Of Stickers For Marketing And Promotion,custom bobbleheads, especially the Main Events.

Melina, Gail Kim & Eve Torres vs. Michelle McCool, Layla & Alicia Fox
Guest Referee: Maria

Melina comes in and clotheslines her down twice. Layla goes for a clothesline but Melina bends under it and kicks her in the face. Melina whips her into the corner and charges. Layla tries to get some boots in her face but Melina catches then and sprawls her out across the ropes before coming down on her midsection with a double knee drop. Melina does a cartwheel and charges, hitting a spinning face buster for a near fall. Melina goes into the ropes and Fox swipes at her hair, distracting her. Maria runs over to admonish her as Eve clotheslines Alicia Fox down on the outside. While all that is going on, McCool kicks Melina in the head and Layla is able to hit her Kneeling Neckbreaker for the win!

Winners by Pinfall: Michelle McCool, Layla & Alicia Fox

Match Rating: 5/10 ( Maria in a referee outfit made the match for me, she gets a 10/10 XD)

The Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler:

Scratch match like all of Khali s matches lately, they need to find someone to put him against where the match lasts long enough for some good action. Ziggler charges into a back elbow and then gets back up into a big boot. Khali now hits his Punjabi Plunge and this match is over!

Winner by Pinfall: The Great Khali

Match Rating: 3/10

Jim Ross and Todd Grisham remind us of what happened earlier tonight during the Cutting Edge segment when Edge pushed Hardy off the ladder and he hit the ropes and fell to the floor hard. We�ll see Edge in action next against Rey Mysterio,personalized bobbleheads. It�s Champion vs. Champion!

Justin Roberts is in the ring and says that they would like to recognize WWE Hall of Famer �The Birdman� Koko B. Ware,personalized bobbleheads, who is sitting in the front row! Koko does his bird dance and his music plays as all the fans around him high five him.

Champion vs. Champion
Rey Mysterio vs. Edge:

This is a non title, special attraction match.

We come back from the break to see Mysterio hung on the second rope and Edge hitting a cross body to his back for a near fall. Edge drops a knee to Mysterio�s back and gets a butterfly lock on. Mysterio is able to fight up and kick out,customized bobbleheads. Mysterio goes into the ropes and Edge goes to lift him up for a slam but Mysterio hits a sit out face plant. Mysterio takes quite a bit of time before finally sliding to the apron,personalized bobble heads. Mysterio goes up top but Edge cuts him off. Edge goes for a top rope Edgecution but Mysterio fights and pushes him off. Mysterio then comes off the top rope with a beautiful hurricanrana which sends Edge out of the ring!

Mysterio doesn�t let Edge rest as he gains some speed and flies through the ropes with a beautiful suicide dive! They�re both being counted out and Mysterio throws Edge into the ring and gets on the apron at the count of eight. Mysterio springboards off the top rope with a leg drop for a very close near fall. Mysterio goes into the ropes, ducks a clothesline, and springboards off the second rope with a cross body block for another near fall. Edge gets a boot in Mysterio�s midsection and sends him into the corner. Mysterio tries to slingshot over but Edge catches him. Edge goes for a big powerslam but Mysterio swings through with a DDT for another near fall!

Edge is down and Mysterio signals for the West Coast Pop but Edge counters it with a powerbomb and immediately locks him in the Sharpshooter! Mysterio screams in pain but is able to fight to the ropes after a long struggle. Edge stomps Mysterio and gets him on the apron but Mysterio counters with a neck snap and dropkicks Edge�s legs, setting him up for the 619. Mysterio goes for it but Edge gets up and goes for a clothesline but Mysterio ducks that and slides under the ropes. Mysterio gets on the apron and shoulders Edge in the midsection before coming in with a head scissors, setting Edge up in 619 position. Mysterio goes for it but Edge catches him and pulls him in for a backbreaker! Edge goes for another but Mysterio flips out and hits a school boy for a near fall!

Mysterio hits an enzuigiri and Edge falls into position and Mysterio hits the 619! Mysterio goes for his splash but Edge moves and hits Mysterio with the Spear for the huge win! What a match!

Winner by Pinfall: Edge

Match Rating: 9/10

Edge holds his World Heavyweight Championship above his head as we see replays of the ending,The Lure Of RTG Casino. Edge now searches under the ring and pulls out a ladder. Edge waits for Mysterio to get up but Jeff Hardy runs down with a steel chair and uses it to smack the ladder back in Edge�s face! Jeff Hardy now hits a Twist of Fate on the ladder and sets it up! Hardy now goes to the top rope and leap frogs over with a HUGE leg drop onto Edge! Jeff Hardy grabs the World Heavyweight Championship and holds it over his head to close the show!

What s Final Thoughts on Tonights Smackdown,Way To Winning Soccer Bets.!:

Our Main Event was absolutely tremendous. Edge and Rey Mysterio were magnificent in this one. It was a long match that went two commercial breaks and there wasn�t one second of it that was boring. It was exciting the whole way through and I love the clean ending. It�s way better than some interference ending or a DQ finish. I just loved it all the way through. Mysterio was honestly moving better than I�ve seen him in a long while. He was quick, agile, and so smooth. He just seemed different tonight so I can do nothing but expect an even better match with him and Jericho on Sunday. Speaking of Jericho,custom bobble head, he was tremendous tonight as well. His promo, as usual was spot on, and he had a good match with R Truth. R Truth even cut a promo,customized bobbleheads, his first time ever since debuting in September. Well his first real one, at least. That thing where he renamed Funaki �Kung Fu Naki� doesn�t count. I was happy to see that and it was actually a good promo. I hope to see more out of him in the coming weeks. CM Punk and Umaga had a good match tonight. I�m looking forward to their Samoan Strap Match on Sunday. Both men worked real well together tonight and it was impressive to see Punk get Umaga off his feet for the GTS. John Morrison and Shelton Benjamin had another tremendous match tonight. I can�t believe they only got five minutes but they made the most of those five minutes. I mentioned it already but they had as good a five minute match as you can get. It was great with some great moves and a great, short story. Morrison is going to be a big star one day. He has all the tools and I�m looking forward to his future, which is bright.

Final Smackdown Rating: 7/10

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